Thursday, 29 May 2008

The beauty of cats

We have cats. We currently have two cats, down from one when the smaller one probably sat in the middle of the road one time too many (she had this idea that cars should just drive round here - well, after making this strange hooting sound, most of them slowly inched round her).

Our older cat has just meowed at me. Very loudly and very insistently. She used to be a nice quiet cat, who would come and sit on your knee, demand that you stroked her, or at least stayed there while she took her afternoon 5 hour nap. Then she started to get very vocal. I'm not sure if I can pinpoint it to the time we got the other two, or the time she started to get reduced kidney function. Now she meows a lot. Normally when she knows someone is awake and in the house. Not sure what happens the rest of the time, probably because I am either asleep or out of the house.

She has just insistently come up, stood on my keyboard (beep beep beep beep...) and pushed her head in my face while meowing. Obviously she wants something. Given I've just come in and she's not had anything to eat yet today I correctly assume she wants food. Getting up to get the food bowl immediately rivets her attention on it. When I put it down she stares at me again, as if to say "why has the food not magically appeared yet - get me food now" until I pour her food in.

She will then eat some, and do one of two things, walk away totally (her option just now), or settle down on the router for a bit, then meow at me, and ask for food. At this point I have to take food container, and pretend to pour some more into her already food bowl. If she doesn't think anything has gone in, she will ignore the food there until I put one more piece of dried cat food in. Then repeat from start of paragraph.

I don't understand why she doesn't realise that the food doesn't magically disappear after she has eaten it. I mean - it's still there, if she sniffed it she'd find it, but no, she requires owner to continuously provide new and improved (well, new anyway) cat food on demand.

I think this nicely illustrates the relationship between a cat and his/her owners. Just because we're bigger, stronger, more intelligent, able to deal with long term relationships (well, some of us anyway), it's still the small furry mewing cat that rules the roost.

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